DevTest Solution
One of the consequences of the relentless focus on cost reduction is that some companies severely limit the capacity available to test and development systems, even to the extent of shutting down the systems completely during peak times. IBM introduced the Application Development and Test (DevTest) Solution specifically to address this situation.
Like all software pricing options, there are situations where the DevTest Solution is perfect, and other situations where it is not a good fit. Similar to Country Multiplex Pricing, the cost is based on your current activity and costs, meaning that you can influence the cost of the solution by picking the right base period.
Our DevTest Solution Evaluation provides information to help you determine the value of IBM’s DevTest offering to your company. Our evaluation also includes an analysis of up to a year’s worth of your usage data and provides reports showing what your DevTest solution cost and size would have been for each three-month period over that time. Using this information and knowledge, you can make a facts-based decision about if and when to implement a DevTest Solution.
For more information or a flyer about our offering, please click here.