MLC to OTC Conversions
Starting in 2019, IBM aggressively started offering significant discounts to companies who choose to convert their IBM MLC (Monthly License Charge) products to One Time Charge (OTC) products with a lower S&S (Subscription & Support) yearly charge. The payback time varies by customer (and, presumably, how desperate the sales team is to make their targets!). If you are interested in this conversion, you should be aware of all the options and how best to position yourself to take advantage of the situation.
Every contract is unique, often including hardware upgrades, distributed products, and other service offerings in addition to the MLC conversion. While hardware services are fairly flexible, we can give you the financial details of your IBM software costs. We will also take your current SCRT reports and provide analysis confirming the cost before and after. We also verify IBM’s estimate of the payback period.
These offers usually come with a very short window for decisions, so you, your executives, and your procurement team should be prepared well in advance. Today is not too soon. Our service begins with a PowerPoint video conference to explain the offer, the benefits, and the downsides.
For more information or a flyer about this service, please click here.