Each presentation is unique, even if it has the same title as a previous presentation (i.e. zRoadshow or Exploiting z/OS).
Watson & Walker zRoadshow (SHARE Atlanta, March)
An MVS System Programmer’s Trip to Applicationland (SHARE, Columbus, August)
How Should I Think About Tailored Fit Pricing? (TFP) (SHARE, Columbus, August)
Watson & Walker zRoadshow – Summer 2022 Edition (SHARE, Columbus, August)
Watson & Walker zRoadshow (SHARE Dallas, March)
Watson and Walker ZedRoadshow (GSE Virtual, November) (Frank Kyne and Mario Bezzi)
The Watson & Walker zRoadshow (SHARE Virtual, August)
The Watson & Walker zRoadshow (SHARE Virtual, March)
What’s New for Sysprogs, Security, and Tuning in SYS1.PARMLIB (SHARE Virtual, September) [Best of the Best Award]
Real World Experiences With IBM’s TFP (SHARE in Fort Worth, March)
The Watson & Walker zRoadshow (SHARE in Fort Worth, March) [Best of the Best Award]
Customer Experiences Saving MSUs Through CPC Optimization with Todd Havekost of IntelliMagic (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
Real World Experiences With IBM’s Newest Software Pricing Options for z/OS – Part 1 (TFP) (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
Real World Experiences With IBM’s Newest Software Pricing Options for z/OS – Part 2 (DevTest) (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
The Watson & Walker zRoadshow (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
The Watson & Walker zRoadshow (SHARE in Phoenix, March)
Container Pricing: A new dawn or oncoming train? (zTech University in Hollywood, FL, October)
Container Pricing: So easy even Frank can do it! (zTech University in Hollywood, FL, October)
The Watson & Walker zRoadshow (zTech University in Hollywood, FL, October)
Cheryl Watson’s Hard Truths on SW Pricing (SHARE in St Louis, August)
Container Pricing (SHARE in St Louis, August)
The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow (SHARE in Sacramento, March)
What is Container Pricing Really All About? (zTech University in Orlando, May)
A Consultant Looks at Country Multiplex and Container Pricing (zTech University in Orlando, May)
Issues That Arise in MLC Pricing (Why ISVs should use ISV SCRT Facility)
The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow (SHARE in Sacramento, March)
CMP – The Gift That Keeps Giving, But To Whom? (SHARE in Providence, August)
The (Virtual) Cheryl and Frank uppercase-Z(z?)Roadshow (SHARE in Providence, August)
The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow (SHARE in San Jose, March)
EXECUforum: Mainframe Performance and You (SHARE in San Jose, March)
EXECUforum: Mainframe Software Costs – Taming the Beast (SHARE in San Jose, March)
Spark and SMF (CMG in LaJolla, November)
The Frank and Cheryl zRoadshow – Part 1 (SHARE in Atlanta, August)
Controlling MLC Costs for Mobile Workloads (SHARE in Atlanta, August)
The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow Part 2 (SHARE in Atlanta, August)
Benchmark every week? Why? Are you crazy? (SHARE in Atlanta, August)
The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow (SHARE in San Antonio, March)
Controlling MLC Costs for New Workloads (SHARE in San Antonio, March)
The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow (SHARE in Orlando, August)
SMFPRMxx Parameters – Which Can Help; Which Can Hurt (SHARE in Orlando, August)
A Consultant’s View on New z/OS Pricing Options (SHARE in Orlando, August)
The Cheryl and Frank zRoadshow (SHARE in Seattle, March)
SMFPRMxx Parameters – Which Can Help; Which Can Hurt (SHARE in Seattle, March)
The Skinny on Coupling Thin Interrupts(SHARE in Seattle, March)
Why is the CPU Time for a Job so Variable? (Enterprise2014 in Las Vegas, October)
Long Distance IBM Sysplex Data Sharing (Enterprise2014 in Las Vegas, October)
The Skinny on Coupling Thin Interrupts (Enterprise2014 in Las Vegas, October)
Exploiting z/OS – Tales From the MVS Survey (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
Hot Tips from Cheryl & Frank (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
The Skinny on Coupling Thin Interrupts (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
Why is the CPU Time for a Job so Variable? (SHARE in Pittsburgh, August)
Exploiting z/OS – Tales From the MVS Survey (SHARE in Anaheim, March)
z/OS Planned Outages (SHARE in Anaheim, March)
Hot Tips from Cheryl & Frank (SHARE in Anaheim, March)
Why is the CPU Time for a Job so Variable? (SHARE in Anaheim, March)
SHARE MVSE Requirements (SHARE in Anaheim, March)
2014 (Bob Rogers)
Bob Rogers, who was an IBM Distinguished Engineer, now consults for Trident Services, philosophizes about System z and in general is a tireless evangelist for the mainframe. Bob wrote an illuminating article for our Tuning Letter 2014 No. 3 called ‘Simultaneous Multithreading and System z’. In the article he referenced some presentations he’s given, and we want to give you access to them. Bob can currently be contacted at tetterrogers@gmail.com.
How Do You Do What You Do When You’re a z196 CPU?
How Do You Do What You Do When You’re a z10 CPU?
How Do You Do What You Do When You’re a z990 CPU?
2014 (© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2014. All rights reserved. Posted with IBM’s permission)
Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT) on eServer iSeries POWER5™ Processors
The Many CPU Fields of SMF (SHARE webinar, December)
Exploiting z/OS (GSE in the UK November)
The Many CPU Fields of SMF (November)
Exploiting z/OS (Enterprise2013 in Orlando, October)
The Many CPU Fields of SMF (Enterprise2013 in Orlando, October)
SHARE MVSE Requirements (SHARE webinar, September)
Exploiting z/OS – Tales From the MVS Survey – Part 2 (SHARE in Boston, August)
SHARE MVSE Requirements (SHARE in Boston, August)
Exploiting z/OS – Tales From the MVS Survey (SHARE in San Francisco, February)
(Winner of a SHARE Best Session Award)
SMF 101 – Everything You Should Know and More (SHARE in San Francisco, February)
SHARE MVSE Requirements (SHARE in San Francisco, February)
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 28
SMF 101 – Everything You Should Know and More
The Many CPU Fields of SMF
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 27
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 26
SHARE Requirements
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 25
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes – Florida CMG
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 24
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 23 (Winner of a SHARE Best Session Award)
SHARE Requirements
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 22
Can You Teach a New Capacity & Performance Specialist Old Tricks?
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 21
Can You Teach a New Capacity & Performance Specialist Old Tricks?
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 20
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 19
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 18
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 17 (Winner of a SHARE Best Session Award)
Building a ‘Gee Whiz’ z/OS Toolkit (Clark Kidd)
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 16
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 15
Finding Gold with the z/OS UNIX APIs (Clark Kidd, updated 2006)
– Sample programs used in Clark Kidd’s session
z990 and z9-109 Performance and Capacity Planning Issues
Cheryl Watson’s GoalTender – How to Manage WLM (repeat of 2004)
z990 Performance & Capacity Planning Issues (Cheryl, repeat of 2004 with updates)
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 14
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 13
Finding Gold with the z/OS UNIX APIs (Clark Kidd, updated August 2005)
– Sample programs used in Clark Kidd’s session
Cheryl Watson’s GoalTender – How to Manage WLM
Are the z990s Underperforming? (Cheryl)
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 12
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 11
Finding Gold with the z/OS UNIX APIs (Clark Kidd)
– Sample programs used in Clark Kidd’s session
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 10
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 9
WLM Quickstart Policy Update (Cheryl)
Tuning z/OS for WebSphere 4.0.1 (Clark Kidd)
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 8
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes # 7
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes #6
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes #5
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes #3
Cheryl’s Hot Flashes #2